Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Onion Presents the Latest Microsoft Laptop...Sort Of

Two things I received for Christmas a couple of weeks ago were an iPod shuffle from my girlfriend and a book by The Onion called, The Onion Presents Homeland Insecurity from her parents. In case you're unfamiliar with The Onion, it's a fictitious newspaper that reports humorous, unreal stories about everyday things. It's slapstick news so it should not be taken seriously.

I showed the two presents to my parents and they had no idea that iPod's came in such a small size. As a matter of fact, they don't even know how to use one. My dad made a comment about how far technology has gone and how little of it they needed back when he was in college. This got me thinking about what exactly Apple would come up with next. Ironically, as I was browsing youtube, I searched The Onion's channel, which I subscribe to. The first video that came up was one about a new Microsoft laptop. I found it to be very funny. Check it out.

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